infoTECH Feature

July 18, 2023

Why SBOM Should Be Your #1 Security Priority in 2023

What is SBOM?

SBOM, or software bill of materials, is a comprehensive list of components that make up a piece of software. Just like a cookbook recipe, it provides you with all the ingredients necessary to create a software program. It includes everything from open source components, third-party libraries, to proprietary code used in the software.

SBOM is not a new concept. It has been used by software developers and engineers for years to track and manage the different elements of a software program. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the software, especially when it comes to security and compliance.

However, with the increasing complexity of software systems and the growing reliance on third-party components, SBOM and SBOM solutions have gained significant importance in the software industry. It acts as a map, guiding you through the labyrinth of software components, helping you understand what’s inside your software.

Why SBOM Should Be Your #1 Security Priority in 2023

White House Executive Order and Other Regulations

The importance of SBOM was highlighted globally in May 2021 when the White House issued an executive order on improving the nation's cybersecurity. The order mandates the development of a standardized SBOM format for the software industry.

The executive order reflects a worldwide trend towards more stringent software transparency regulations. Several countries, including those in the European Union, are implementing similar laws. These regulations underscore the significance of SBOM, making it a top security priority for companies worldwide in 2023.

Growing Open-Source (News - Alert) Software Risk

In today's software development landscape, open-source software components are ubiquitous. While they offer numerous benefits such as speed, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, they also pose significant security risks.

Open-source software components are often developed and maintained by a global community of volunteers. As a result, their security can vary dramatically, making them a potential weak link in your software supply chain. SBOM can help mitigate these risks by providing a clear picture of all the open-source components in your software.

Mitigation of Software Supply Chain Attacks

Software supply chain attacks have been on the rise in recent years. These attacks target the software development process, aiming to infiltrate a system by exploiting vulnerabilities in its supply chain. SBOM can play a crucial role in mitigating these attacks.

With an SBOM, you can quickly identify and assess the risk associated with each component of your software. It allows you to spot potential vulnerabilities and take appropriate action to protect your software. By making SBOM a priority, you can significantly bolster your software's security against supply chain attacks.

Benefits of Making SBOM a Priority

Improved Visibility into Software Dependencies

One of the primary benefits of SBOM is the visibility it provides into your software dependencies. It allows you to see exactly what components your software relies on to function.

With a thorough understanding of your software dependencies, you can make more informed decisions about software maintenance, updates, and security. It also helps you manage your software lifecycle more effectively, ensuring that your software remains robust and reliable.

Enhanced Vulnerability Management

SBOM can significantly improve your vulnerability management. It provides you with a detailed view of all the components in your software, making it easier to spot potential vulnerabilities.

By knowing exactly what's in your software, you can proactively identify and address vulnerabilities before they become a problem. This not only improves your software's security but also enhances its overall quality and reliability.

Better Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

As we've discussed earlier, many countries are implementing strict software transparency regulations. These laws require companies to provide a detailed bill of materials for their software.

With an SBOM, you can easily comply with these regulatory requirements. It ensures that you have all the necessary documentation in place, saving you from potential legal troubles and hefty fines.

Increased Trust and Transparency with Customers and Partners

Finally, SBOM can help you build trust and transparency with your customers and partners. By providing a comprehensive list of your software components, you demonstrate your commitment to transparency and accountability.

Customers and partners are more likely to trust a company that is open about its software components. It shows that you take your software's security seriously and are willing to take steps to protect it. By making SBOM a priority, you can significantly enhance your company's reputation and credibility.

How to Implement SBOM in Your Organization

Implementing an SBOM in your organization might seem daunting at first, but it doesn't have to be. By following the steps outlined below, you can start the process of creating and managing an SBOM for your software products.

Identify Your Software Components

The first step in creating an SBOM is to identify all the software components in your product. This isn't always as straightforward as it sounds. Software components can include anything from operating systems and databases to libraries and frameworks. It also includes any open-source or third-party software that your product relies on.

To identify your software components, start by creating a list of all the software used in your product. This should include both internal and external software. Once you've compiled your list, it's time to dig a little deeper. For each software component, you should identify its version, source, and any dependencies it may have.

Create Your SBOM

Once you've identified all the software components in your product, the next step is to create your SBOM. This involves documenting all the information you've collected in the previous step in a structured and organized manner.

Creating an SBOM can be a complex process, especially for large software products. However, it's an essential step in managing and understanding your software. A well-crafted SBOM can provide a clear and comprehensive overview of all the software components in your product, making it easier to manage and maintain your software over time.

Choose the Right SBOM Format

When creating your SBOM, it's important to choose the right format. The format you choose will depend on several factors, including the complexity of your software, the needs of your stakeholders, and the tools you plan to use.

There are several different SBOM formats to choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some formats, like SPDX and SWID, are designed to provide a comprehensive overview of your software components. Others, like CycloneDX, are more focused on security and risk management.

Use Tools to Generate and Manage SBOM

Given the complexity of creating and managing an SBOM, it's no surprise that there are several tools available to help. These tools can automate much of the process, making it easier to create and maintain your SBOM.

There are several different types of tools available, including SBOM generators, SBOM managers, and SBOM viewers. SBOM generators can automatically identify and document your software components, while SBOM managers can help you manage and update your SBOM over time. SBOM viewers, on the other hand, can help you visualize and understand your SBOM.

Integrate SBOM into Your Software Development Lifecycle

The final step in implementing an SBOM in your organization is to integrate it into your software development lifecycle. This means using your SBOM as a living document that's updated throughout the lifecycle of your software.

Integrating your SBOM into your software development lifecycle can have several benefits. It can help you manage your software components more effectively, identify and mitigate security risks, and ensure compliance with licensing and regulatory requirements.


In conclusion, implementing an SBOM in your organization is a complex but essential task. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a comprehensive and effective SBOM that will help you manage and understand your software components. From identifying your software components to integrating your SBOM into your software development lifecycle, each step is a critical part of the process. So, don't wait - start implementing an SBOM in your organization today!

Author Bio: Gilad David Maayan

Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer who has worked with over 150 technology companies including SAP, Imperva, Samsung (News - Alert) NEXT, NetApp and Check Point, producing technical and thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership. Today he heads Agile SEO, the leading marketing agency in the technology industry.

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