infoTECH Feature

May 25, 2012

Intelligent Desktop Solutions Provider Wanova Purchased by VMware

VMware Inc. and Wanova Inc. have signed an official contract, confirming that Wanova Inc. will now be acquired by VMware. Through this strategic acquisition, VMware will be able to enhance its Advance VMware End-User Computing Portfolio with the inclusion of Wanova Mirage, thereby offering centralized image management and unyielding user installed applications for physical and virtual desktops.

In a release, Jeff Jennings, vice president, Enterprise Desktop, VMware, said, "The acquisition of Wanova will bring together industry leading solutions for centralized image management of both physical and virtual desktops. This combination has the potential to redefine the desktop virtualization landscape. By blurring the boundaries of virtual vs. physical desktops, the benefits of central image management and persistent user installed applications can be extended to all systems within a business -- physical, virtual, tethered desktops, or roaming Mac and PC laptops."

 Currently, enterprises have to tackle two core client computing issues, namely getting hold of secure access to the gradually rising mobile workforce and running the growing assortment of data, applications and devices required for operating their business. The revolutionary nature of cloud computing and the post-PC age are the main reasons for these issues, resulting in the necessity for introducing a novel way for working.

Sebastiano Tevarotto, chairman and CEO of Wanova, said, "Business requirements are constantly evolving and in turn, IT teams also need to evolve from managing devices towards managing user workspaces and experience across multiple devices. The combination of VMware and Wanova addresses this evolution in a unique and innovative way. We're excited to join VMware in enabling a more intelligent desktop infrastructure by providing centralized image management, but enabling those images to run where it makes sense for the user: in a VDI session, on a client hypervisor, or natively on a PC."

For the past 20 years, organizations have been involved in intricate, device-centric computing. An improved user-centric experience for the connected enterprise will be offered by the VMware end-user computing portfolio, wherein organizations can utilize hybrid cloud resource advantageously and still preserve a managed, protected environment. Employees will also be able to work in partnership across applications and data from any device.

Edited by Brooke Neuman

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