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Case Studies

At the sizzling speeds of the derivatives arena, latency is a transaction-killer. This Company's flagship order-entry platform connects traders to the world's largest derivatives exchanges for single-click trade execution in near real-time. Read how this rapidly growing leader in the world's most competitive environment chose Net Optics Director to empower its data center for rock-solid performance monitoring, data analysis, and scalability.

A Carrier's Dilemma: Tapping 300+ High-Traffic Links without Overspending This Carrier needed a monitoring solution that would provide full visibility of its entire 3G mobile network while avoiding the expense of Tapping every link separately.

White Papers

Net Optics Phantom Virtual Tap Delivers Best-Practice Network Monitoring For Virtualized Server Environs
The Net Optics Phantom Virtual Tap represents an innovative new option for restoring lost visibility into virtualized server infrastructure in a way that closely mirrors best practices for traditional monitoring.

Gaining Total Visibility for Lawful Interception
This paper provides a basic definition and description of Lawful Interception (LI), as well as offering a brief overview of current challenges that confront communications organizations and law enforcement.